Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sessions typically take 4-6 hours, while some take longer depending on your unique intentions and needs.

    I highly encourage you to clear your entire day for the session to allow ample time for your healing as well as rest and integration afterwards.

    Some people come with relatively few questions and healing concerns while others bring many to explore and address. I only offer one session per day to ensure a spacious, relaxed healing experience for each and every client.

  • Sessions are currently on special for $300 USD (reg. $400).

    The session fee is fixed regardless of session duration to ensure a spacious, relaxed healing experience for each client.

    ***Please note: payments are non-refundable. Payments are transferrable if you absolutely need to reschedule and provide at least 5 days notice.

  • Online sessions are available worldwide via Zoom video chat and may take place from the comfort of your own home or a dedicated healing space of your choice.

    In-person sessions take place in your home and are available to residents of the Kansas City area only.

    If you prefer, you may choose an alternative suitable space such as your personal office or dedicated healing space during non-business hours. Wherever you are most comfortable is the best place for a session.

    *Please note the session space must be private, quiet, and without distractions to ensure a comfortable, confidential, and safe healing environment. Please arrange for any roommates, family, children, etc. to leave for the duration of the session. You may also want to arrange for any active or vocal pets to be elsewhere during your session. Some animals are quite docile and able to be present, while others are very energetic and vocal which can be distracting and disrupt your session experience.

    1. Here is a helpful >> How to Prepare Guide << to support you in having the best session. I recommend reading the guide at least 1-2 weeks beforehand to ensure you have plenty of time to prepare.

    2. You can also check out BQH Creator Candance Craw-Goldman’s beneficial “Get Ready” YouTube series HERE. These are brief videos with tips, instructions, advice, and strategies to help you get ready for any BQH, past life regression, or quantum hypnosis experience.

    3. Practice with guided meditation, self-hypnosis, and visualization are extremely helpful for a quantum hypnosis session. Some of these practices are How to Prepare Guideincluded in the How to Prepare Guide, and you can access the complete playlist of practices HERE.

  • Hypnosis is the general term used to refer to the Alpha or Theta brain waves state, sometimes called “trance." These are deep states of relaxation in which your awareness and focus expand beyond ordinary consciousness. This expansion allows you to gain access to your subconscious mind and connect to your Higher Self.

    All hypnosis is self-hypnosis so anyone can do it, though you must be willing to trust or let go to enter this state of deep relaxation for hypnosis to "work" for you. In fact, we all enter the Theta brain wave state at least twice a day - just before we fall asleep into the Delta state and as we're waking up into Beta, our normal waking state where we are alert to the external environment and experience a stream of thoughts/reactions to what we perceive.

    Most people frequently experience lighter states of trance in daily life, such as while driving on the highway (commonly referred to as “highway hypnosis”), watching TV, scrolling on the internet, doing routine tasks, or gazing into nature.

    Those who meditate, practice guided visualization/imagination exercises, or daydream also enter either light trance or deeper hypnotic states which allow them to experience expanded awareness and/or connection to higher consciousness (also called non-ordinary reality). It is not necessary to enter the deepest states of trance in order to have a great session.

  • If you have the desire to heal yourself and/or grow and believe it is possible for you, then BQH is likely a good fit.

    If you agree with multiple or all of the following statements, then you are most likely ready for a BQH session:

    • I am willing to heal myself and/or grow

    • I want to understand my purpose or how I can live my dream life

    • I am willing to explore my subconscious and receive insight from within me

    • I understand all healing is self-healing and I am not waiting for someone or something outside of me to do it for me or “fix me”

    • I am open to the possibility that I am greater than my body and ego identity, and that there are other parts of me to discover

    • I believe I have the power to make choices that will meaningfully impact my life, health, and happiness

    • I am open to making changes if needed in order to create genuine, lasting healing/growth

    • I sense there may be more to life than what I’ve been taught to believe and would like to explore what else could be possible

    • I understand that a true healer is a facilitator and guide that empowers and helps me learn how to heal my own self

    • I am willing to let go of the analytical mind and allow my subconscious and/or Higher Self to be my guide

    • I want to know the root causes of the symptoms, fears, and challenges I’m experiencing so they can be healed

    • I’m curious about past lives and where my Soul has been/came from

    • I want to understand why I am here and how to move forward in life

    • I feel called to try BQH and am not sure why, but am open to finding out what could be possible for me

    • I’m very curious about how Souls design human lifetimes and what there is to gain from being human

    • I’ve felt alone, alienated, or like I don’t belong on Earth and want to know why

    • I’m ready to connect to my Soul family and learn from their guidance and perspective

  • Opening Conversation: We'll begin with a relaxed conversation about your intention, reasons for having a session, and life experiences leading up to now. We'll go over your list of questions to ensure that I understand exactly what you want to know and any healing requests you may have.

    Intention Setting: I'll guide you through a simple yet powerful Water Alchemy practice to set your intention and amplify your healing potential.

    Hypnosis: You'll find a comfortable resting position as I guide you through gentle relaxation practices so that you feel calm, cozy, and safe. Once relaxed, we'll proceed with the regression.

    Grounding + Debrief: I'll gently bring you back to your normal waking state and help you feel grounded in the present moment.

    We'll discuss your experience and go over how to integrate and maximize your healing post-session. I'll give you suggestions for self-care and answer any remaining questions you may have.

    Post Session: I'll send you a digital recording of your session for your keeping. I’ll encourage you to reach out if you need additional support, have further questions, or if you'd like to share about your session experience and outcomes.

    You'll also receive an email invitation to provide feedback or leave me a review if you'd like.

  • No, hypnosis is not anesthesia or sleep. While every person and session is unique, most people retain awareness throughout the session almost as if the conscious mind is listening in the background.

    True hypnosis is not a “going under,” but rather an awakening from the unconscious trance of thought most people live in day to day. Quantum hypnosis can even feel like an expanded awareness or dual consciousness in which you are aware of both your external environment as well as your internal experience.

  • You may remember all of it, some of it, or in rare cases none of it.

    Some people comment that they remember answering questions and speaking with me the whole time, but can’t quite remember what they said. Others remember most parts and forget the smaller details over time. For this reason you will receive an audio recording of your session for your keeping.

    Listening to your session in the days, weeks, and even months ahead can be a very valuable component of your BQH session. Even if your conscious mind “remembers” the session afterwards, it often begins to fade from your memory over time. In addition, further energetic downloads of information may be enhanced by repeat listening. Any healing or life improvement suggestions can and will be reinforced by listening repeatedly to the audio.

    One goal of quantum healing is to have your conscious mind “get on board” to align with your Higher Self and its goals, and to accept any changes or healing you intend to occur. I highly recommend listening to your recording at least once within the week following your session, if not more.

  • Anything is possible. The only limits to what we can experience are those that exist in our own minds. Your intention and belief in what is possible for you absolutely shape your experience and outcomes in healing sessions and daily life.

    As a healing practitioner, I provide the opportunity and guidance for you to tap into your innate connection to higher consciousness and the healing potential within you. It is up to you to set a heartfelt intention, to open yourself by believing and affirming that what you are seeking is possible, and to surrender to the greater part of you that is able to provide instantaneous and infinite healing, wisdom, and transformation.

    Remember, all healing is self-healing and all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. In essence, you must be willing to let go, trust, and allow your Higher Self to be the guide. Surrendering control to your Higher Self is a powerful act of faith which energetically aligns you with the best possible outcome for all. You always have this choice and I always honor your free will.

    Examples of things that have been addressed in my personal and client sessions include:

    • Depression, anxiety, mental and emotional health concerns

    • Confusion, lack of direction in life, feeling lost or purposeless

    • Chronic pain

    • Sleep issues, insomnia, nightmares, frequent urination at night

    • Aches, pains, headaches, migraines

    • Gut and digestive issues

    • Grief and loss

    • Unhealthy patterns in relationships (such as issues with boundaries, forgiveness, codependency, abuse, self-betrayal, love addiction, etc.)

    • Difficulty accessing intuition, Higher Self, Guides, Angels, etc.

    • Addictions (smoking, sugar, alcohol, screens, etc.)

    • Lingering or repetitive injuries

    • Chronic fatigue and stress

    • Soul amnesia, feeling of being alone or alien on earth, imposter syndrome

    • Past life wounding, vows, and phobias

    • Inner child wounding, unprocessed childhood experiences

    • Past physical, emotional, and sexual trauma

    • Fear of aging and/or death

    • Stagnant energies blocking healing (fear, resentment, blame, guilt, anger, sadness, etc.)

    • Calcified pineal gland (third eye chakra)

    • Unexplained phobias, fears, and aversions

    • Chronic self-doubt, inability to make decisions and move forward

    • Physical anxiety (teeth grinding, nausea, tension headaches)

    • Eye and vision problems, vision changes, light sensitivity

    • Low self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence

    • Allergies, breathing problems, skin conditions

    • Physical effects of aging

    • Undiagnosed or “mystery” symptoms and conditions

  • BQH is a powerful experience and incredibly versatile tool that may allow you to:

    • understand your Soul purpose, mission, and lessons in this life

    • deepen your connection with your Higher Self, Guides, Star Family, and Loved Ones

    • activate profound healing and transformation from within

    • receive higher knowledge and answers to your deepest questions

    • explore your Soul's other experiences beyond this lifetime

    • find peace and closure for past relationships, traumas, and past life wounds

    • gain clarity and insight for any issue, illness, injury, fear, or phobia

    • release mental, emotional, physical, and energetic blockages

    • strengthen your connection to your intuition, discernment, and inner wisdom

    • remember and re-activate your divine gifts and psychic abilities

    • experience greater self-understanding and self-love

    • receive guidance to help you create an authentic, aligned life as your True Self

    • identify and release self-limiting beliefs and subconscious programming

    • expand your consciousness and connect to higher frequencies

    • experience elevated states of being such as authentic peace, joy, forgiveness, and Love

    • the list goes on, whether you believe something is or is not possible for you - you’re right

  • Intentions and expectations are completely different things. Specific expectations about what you are about to experience are not at all helpful. Clinging to expectations is also why some people’s conscious mind may “be present” for their session experience – attempting to maintain control or produce a desired outcome. The less you expect, the easier it is for your Higher Self to guide you.

    Here is a helpful video about the impact of expectations in a Quantum Healing session.

  • Yes. BQH was intentionally created to transcend the limitations of other modalities to make quantum healing accessible despite physical distances, travel restrictions, and other limitations which make in-person sessions difficult or not feasible.

    By working directly with the quantum field of energy which connects all life, anyone can tap into and receive profound healing experiences from the comfort of your own home.

  • You will need:

    • a stable internet connection

    • a Wi-Fi capable device with a camera such as a phone, computer, or tablet

    • headphones with a mic attached for the hypnosis portion (the ones that come with smart phones work well, though some people prefer bluetooth ear buds or headsets)

    • access to Zoom video chat (free to use, you must download prior to session)

    ***A computer, laptop, or iPad typically work better than a phone. If you plan to use a phone, please consider how you will secure it in place and have it plugged into a charger during the hypnosis portion of your session. You will be laying down and I need to be able to see your face.

  • Because we take as much time as needed, many people feel they need only one session. However, some people may want or need multiple sessions for various reasons.

    For example:

    Some prefer to address a fewer amount of their concerns per session. Some people have a great deal of healing requests and soul inquiries that require more than one session to process and integrate. Sometimes people may choose to return for additional sessions to address new topics/issues/life changes that emerge later in time.

    I also have returning clients who simply enjoy exploring their other Soul experiences and expanding their consciousness through BQH, in which case they feel called to have multiple sessions.

    Follow-up sessions are usually shorter in length due to your familiarity with the process and our ability to pick up where we left off. Follow-up sessions are available at a discounted rate of $200 USD.

    To scheduled a follow up session, submit a contact form or email

  • You do not need to be a seasoned meditator to have a wonderful session, though experience with meditation can be incredibly helpful.

    Like most skills, meditation often takes practice and patience to fully develop. This can be begin with a simple 1-3 minute mindfulness practice once per day, or as often as you’d like.

    You can access several options for simple mindfulness practices in the How To Prepare guide to help you improve your ability to clear your mind and relax leading up to your session.

    Relaxation, however, is our natural state of being when we release mental distractions and let go of the thinking mind or “monkey mind,” which is merely the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of our complete awareness or consciousness. All it takes is a shift in our attention from our thoughts to our breath and body. This natural way of being can be re-learned or remembered at any point in life.

  • It is not necessary to visualize or see in vivid detail in order to have a successful session.

    The subconscious mind and your Higher Self often communicate using multiple sensory impressions such as feeling, hearing, sight, smell, emotion, energetic sensations in the body, intuitive knowing, metaphor, symbolism, color, imagination, etc.

    Even those who have been blind since birth have received great healing and information through quantum healing hypnosis. All you need to do is be willing to trust the process and open yourself to receiving the information however your subconscious and Higher Self choose to show it to you.

  • No. This is a very personal, in-depth healing process that requires complete privacy.

    Openness and honesty are key elements in a successful session, which are often more difficult in the presence of others. Keeping sessions private allows you to feel safe, comfortable, and open knowing that your experience will be kept confidential.

  • No. All healing is self-healing, and all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

    As a facilitator, I will provide the opportunity and guidance for you to tap into your innate connection to higher consciousness and the healing potential within you.

    It is up to you to set a heartfelt intention, to open yourself by believing and affirming that what you are seeking is possible, and to surrender to the greater part of you that is able to provide healing, wisdom, and transformation. All answers, healing, and potentials lie within your own being.

    In essence, you must be willing to let go, trust, and allow your Higher Self to be the guide. Surrendering control to your Higher Self is a powerful act of faith which energetically aligns you with the best possible outcome for all. You always have this choice and I always honor your free will. For these reasons, individual outcomes will vary.

    I have witnessed profound healing, miraculous transformations, and truly magickal experiences in both my own and my client’s sessions. I’ve even observed great change and healing in those who came with an open heart and no expectations or prior experience with hypnosis. And of course, I’ve also seen people receive guidance and healing that resulted in little change due to their free will choices following their session - such as choosing to not listen or integrate the healing guidance, doubting the healing that occurred, clinging to the root cause of illnesses, re-engaging in self-limiting patterns, etc.

    Sincerity of intention, authentic surrender, and aligned action are key.

  • QHHT® is a beautiful method developed by my first quantum healing teacher Dolores Cannon.

    Dolores created a specific linear process and script which must be adhered to strictly and can only be utilized for in-person sessions. QHHT® is a registered trademark technique which requires direct training and certification through Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. I am certified in both QHHT and BQH.

    BQH was created by Candace Craw Goldman with the intention to provide greater freedom, adaptability, and accessibility to both practitioners and clients of quantum healing hypnosis. BQH allows practitioners to tailor each session to the needs of the client as well as incorporate additional healing techniques that may alter the flow of the session. BQH is suitable for both in-person and online sessions.

    Both methods use hypnosis and quantum healing to achieve powerful healing and life changing transformation. Please use your personal discernment to determine what type of session is best for you.

  • 1. Create an intention for your session (can be short and sweet, whatever your heart desires)

    2. Create a list of any questions and concerns you'd like to ask your Higher Self about. Ask anything you want and place the most important ones at the top of your list.

    3. Drink lots of pure water! I can't emphasize this one enough. Water allows the body to be a conduit of higher frequency information and healing. The more hydrated you are leading up to your session, the easier it will be for you to receive and move healing energy through your vessel.

    4. Begin affirming that you're already connected to your Higher Self. For example, repeat the following:

    • I connect to my Higher Self easily

    • I am deeply connected to my Soul

    5. Take a deep breath and trust your Higher Self to be the guide. The day of your session, all you have to do is show up and trust this greater part of you to give you what you most need. Surrender any nerves, expectations, and concerns and allow yourself to just be.

  • Our minds are divided into two primary parts - the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

    The conscious mind is the part we are aware of in our daily lives. The conscious mind is sometimes also referred to as the ego, personality, or the individual "I" because this is the aspect of ourselves that we most identify with or refer to as ourselves, and it's also the part of ourselves that we believe is in control of our choices and lives.

    Contrary to popular belief, it is actually our subconscious mind, the part of us that is mostly below the level of our awareness which is approximately 88% of our mind, that is responsible for our reactions, reflexes, somatic responses, beliefs, and so on - the subconscious ultimately determines how we perceive and respond to our own reality. It's also the part of us that contains all of the positive and negative associations that we've made throughout our entire life because it absorbs information without filter even when our conscious mind is not aware of this.

    The subconscious is also the term that was used by Dolores Cannon, the creator of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), to refer to the Higher Self because she discovered this higher aspect or part of us by regressing her hypnosis clients into the deeper subconscious mind. She described the “SC” as the all-knowing greater part of us that's able to provide understanding, knowledge, explanations, and healing.

    Dolores often called the conscious mind "stupid" because it thinks it knows everything and is in control when in reality it knows very little compared to the “SC” or Higher Self and is limited by it's lack of higher awareness. Her books provide thousands of sessions stories that detail how our conscious mind is often unaware or misguided by fear-based survival mechanisms, doubt, childhood conditioning, unhelpful expectations, programmed beliefs, self-judgment, and other forms of fear.

    The Higher Self on the other hand exists beyond the conditioned aspects of our human selves and is our direct connection to higher states of being or perception such as love, wisdom, and universal or spiritual truths. It is a very loving presence that transcends time and space, and remains energetically connected to us throughout our individual soul journeys and incarnations.

  • Higher Self (sometimes referred to as the Soul, Subconscious, Superconscious, Oversoul, or True Self) is a term for the highest aspect of you and your individual consciousness. It's that greater part of you that has expanded awareness which knows, sees, and understands your Soul at the highest level possible. The Higher Self exists beyond the conditioned aspects of our human selves and is our direct connection to higher states of being or perception such as love, wisdom, and universal or spiritual truths. It is a very loving presence that transcends time and space and remains energetically connected to us throughout our individual soul journeys and incarnations.

    The Higher Self is always guiding us and attempting to communicate with us, however, in a BQH session we quiet the conscious mind/ego/left brain in order to hear that guidance and knowledge. Using hypnosis, we can shift our awareness inwards and fully open to receive the clarity, direction, support, and healing we seek through this deeper connection to our Higher Self. Everything you seek is within, thus my role as a facilitator is to provide the opportunity and guidance for you to tap into that innate source of knowledge, power, and transformation that is already inside you.

    From a higher perspective or level of awareness, you are your Higher Self having a temporary human experience.

  • Quantum is a term that relates to a field of energy in which consciousness and matter meet.

    You can visualize it as a web of energy that allows for multi-dimensional experiences, energy exchanges, and connections that are not affected or limited by time, space, or distance.

    Some people look at the quantum field as the basic substance or fabric of existence as it connects and animates all that is.

  • Quantum healing is a broad definition that includes types of healing focused beyond physical or mundane reality in which multi-dimensional healing is not only possible but accessible to all across time, space, and distance.

    Quantum healing modalities affirm our potential to heal all aspects of ourselves synergistically by shifting our awareness to our infinite potential and intentionally tapping into the quantum field to receive healing energy or information from the Source of our being. Anything is possible through quantum healing.

  • Blocks are generally seen as anything that can get in the way or stop our self-actualization and expansion in consciousness.

    A block represents a barrier to proper energy flow through our mind, body, and soul. A block might be a belief system, such as a programmed/conditioned belief that becomes self-limiting or detrimental to our growth and healing, it might be a story or an internal narrative that keeps us in a disempowered state, it could be a trauma or unprocessed emotions that reside in the body beyond our conscious awareness, or any number of things depending on the individual person who is experiencing the block.

    Please note: It's important to remember that while we may experience various blocks in our lives, in truth there is nothing preventing us from freeing ourselves and raising our consciousness if we choose with our own free will to do so.

    Ultimately, we retain the power within us to transcend any blocks or circumstances which are all catalysts for our healing and growth if/when we choose to utilize them in this way.

    A “bad” experience or Dark Night of the Soul can be the seed or beginning of a beautiful shift or new direction in our healing journey. As sovereign beings, we choose with our own free will how to frame our experiences as well as how we respond to them in any moment. In this way, no block or external power can prevent us from experiencing genuine inner healing and peace.

  • No! You can believe whatever you want and still benefit greatly from exploring your subconscious mind - we can simply call it a story or daydream your subconscious wants to show you.

    I work with individuals of all backgrounds with unique stories, needs, and session intentions. Healing, insight, and growth are available to us all.

  • All payments are non-refundable.

    Payments are transferrable for rescheduled services if you need to reschedule and provide at least 5 days notice.

    Payments will not be transfered or refunded for no-shows and cancelled appointments.